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Удосконалення маркетингової діяльності салону краси

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dc.contributor.author Фоміна, К.А.
dc.date.accessioned 2023-03-01T09:48:36Z
dc.date.available 2023-03-01T09:48:36Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.citation Удосконалення маркетингової дiяльностi салону краси : квалiфiкацiйна робота на здобуття ступеня магiстра: спец. 075 "Маркетинг" за освiтньою програмою "Маркетинг та мiжнародна логiстика" / Катерина Андрiївна Фомiна ; наук. кер. Володимир Михайлович Беспалов . - Одеса : ОНЕУ, 2022. - 109 с.
dc.identifier.uri http://local.lib/diploma/Fomina2022.pdf
dc.description Доступ до роботи тільки на території бібліотеки ОНЕУ, для переходу натисніть на посилання нижче en_US
dc.description.abstract The master's qualification work consists of three sections. The object of the study is the process of analyzing the marketing activity of the "ArtAlex" beauty salon and developing recommendations for its improvement. In the work, the author considered the essence and importance of marketing in the activities of enterprises; determined the peculiarities of marketing activities of enterprises in the service sector; gave a description of the organizational and methodological aspects of managing the marketing complex of enterprises in the service sector. The applicant provided a description of the organizational and economic features of the ArtAlex beauty salon; researched the marketing environment of the enterprise; analyzed the marketing complex of the beauty salon "ArtAlex. In the Master's thesis, the researcher proposed measures to improve the Internet marketing of the "ArtAlex" beauty salon; provided a proposal for improving the SMM of the beauty salon; described directions for improving the marketing communication policy of the "ArtAlex" beauty salon. en_US
dc.description.abstract The master's qualification work consists of three sections. The object of the study is the process of analyzing the marketing activity of the "ArtAlex" beauty salon and developing recommendations for its improvement. In the work, the author considered the essence and importance of marketing in the activities of enterprises; determined the peculiarities of marketing activities of enterprises in the service sector; gave a description of the organizational and methodological aspects of managing the marketing complex of enterprises in the service sector. The applicant provided a description of the organizational and economic features of the ArtAlex beauty salon; researched the marketing environment of the enterprise; analyzed the marketing complex of the beauty salon "ArtAlex. In the Master's thesis, the researcher proposed measures to improve the Internet marketing of the "ArtAlex" beauty salon; provided a proposal for improving the SMM of the beauty salon; described directions for improving the marketing communication policy of the "ArtAlex" beauty salon.
dc.language.iso uk en_US
dc.publisher Одеський національний економічний університет en_US
dc.subject комплекс маркетингу en_US
dc.subject маркетинг в сфері послуг en_US
dc.subject Інтернет маркетинг en_US
dc.subject 075 маркетинг en_US
dc.subject marketing-mix en_US
dc.subject marketing in the service industry en_US
dc.subject Internet marketing en_US
dc.title Удосконалення маркетингової діяльності салону краси en_US
dc.title.alternative Improving the marketing activity of a beauty salon en_US
dc.type Diplomas en_US

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