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Організація оцінювання персоналу та її ефективність» (на прикладі ТОВ «ТЕЛЕКАРТ-ПРИЛАД»)

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dc.contributor.author Матковська, А.В.
dc.date.accessioned 2024-08-13T08:01:44Z
dc.date.available 2024-08-13T08:01:44Z
dc.date.issued 2024
dc.identifier.citation Матковська А.В. Органiзацiя оцiнювання персоналу та її ефективнiсть (на прикладi ТОВ "Телекарт-Прилад"): квалiфiкацiйна робота на здобуття ступеня бакалавра: спец. 051 "Економiка" за освiтньою програмою " Управлiння та управлiння в в HR-iндустрiї" / Анастасiя Вiталiївна Матковська; наук. кер. Наталiя Едуардiвна Подвальна . - ОНЕУ, 2024. - 73 с. en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://local.lib/diploma/2024Matkovska.pdf
dc.description.abstract The object of the study is the organization of personnel evaluation, as one of the functions of personnel management, based on the example of "TELEKARD-PRYLAD" LLC. The paper examines the theoretical concepts of personnel evaluation, its place in personnel management and various evaluation methods. The activities of the Society, its personnel, and the current personnel evaluation system were evaluated. Proposed: 1. A list of measures to eliminate the shortcomings of the existing evaluation system at the enterprise, taking into account its preservation. 2. Development of clear and understandable regulations for staff evaluation at TELEKART-PRYLAD LLC. 3. Implementation of the KPI evaluation system. 4. They substantiated the implementation of the recommendations due to the possible economic consequences for the Company. en_US
dc.description.abstract The object of the study is the organization of personnel evaluation, as one of the functions of personnel management, based on the example of "TELEKARD-PRYLAD" LLC. The paper examines the theoretical concepts of personnel evaluation, its place in personnel management and various evaluation methods. The activities of the Society, its personnel, and the current personnel evaluation system were evaluated. Proposed: 1. A list of measures to eliminate the shortcomings of the existing evaluation system at the enterprise, taking into account its preservation. 2. Development of clear and understandable regulations for staff evaluation at TELEKART-PRYLAD LLC. 3. Implementation of the KPI evaluation system. 4. They substantiated the implementation of the recommendations due to the possible economic consequences for the Company.
dc.language.iso uk en_US
dc.publisher Одеський національний економічний університет en_US
dc.subject персонал en_US
dc.subject товариство en_US
dc.subject методи оцінки en_US
dc.subject оцінювання персоналу en_US
dc.subject personnel en_US
dc.subject society en_US
dc.subject assessment methods en_US
dc.subject personnel assessment en_US
dc.title Організація оцінювання персоналу та її ефективність» (на прикладі ТОВ «ТЕЛЕКАРТ-ПРИЛАД») en_US
dc.title.alternative Organization of personnel evaluation and its effectiveness" (on the example of "TELEKARD-PRYLAD" LLC) en_US
dc.type Diplomas en_US

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