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Перегляд Кафедра міжнародних економічних відносин по назві

Перегляд Кафедра міжнародних економічних відносин по назві

Сортувати по: Порядок: Рузультати:

  • Kozak, Y.; Козак, Ю.Г.; Kozak, Iu. (2018)
    The paper presents the results of the research on the analysis of the current trends of the wine sector in the EU and worldwide, in particular, the evolution of the vine areas, production of grapes with an emphasis on the ...
  • Kozak, Y.; Prytula, N.; Козак, Ю.Г.; Притула, Н.В.; Козак, Ю.Г.; Притула, Н.В. («Universal», 2014)
    The textbook presents international economic relations in the system of the modern economic theory. Particular attention is paid to microeconomic and macroeconomic mechanisms and their implementation under conditions of ...
  • Kozak, Y.; Voronova, E.; Ukhanova, I.; Козак, Ю.Г.; Воронова, О.В.; Уханова, І.О.; Козак, Ю.Г.; Воронова, Е.В.; Уханова, И.О. (CEP-USM, 2014)
    The textbook deals with the major international economic problems in the system of contemporary economic theory (Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, International Economics). The main theories of world trade and trade policy ...
  • Sukach, O.; Сукач, О.О. (2018)
    Its highlighted that migration processes significantly influence on the directions and paces of the world and domestic economic development, demographic processes in the most countries of the world, rise and fall of social ...
  • Ukhanova, I.; Kulikov, R.; Уханова, І.О.; Куліков, Р. (2023)
    It was determined that the Odesa region belongs to the regions with a fairly high investment attractiveness and was one of the most attractive for foreign investment in Ukraine before the start of the full-scale invasion. ...
  • Ukhanova, I.; Zolotarevska, I.; Уханова, І.О.; Золоторевська, І.В. (2023)
    Ukraine is among the twenty leading countries in terms of the gross production of vegetable products, but even in the pre-war years, the production of fruit and vegetable products was characterized by a decrease in the ...
  • Kozak, Y.; Козак, Ю.Г. (Osadtsa U.V., 2018)
    The European vector and the experience of the Visegrad Four in the formation of a creative economy in Ukraine are investigated.
  • Kravchenko, E.; Кравченко Є.В.; Кравченко, Е.В. (ОNEU, 2012)
    The state of cross-border cooperation in Ukraine is determined in the article. Mechanisms and instruments of cross-border cooperation development are proposed by the author to enhance the competitiveness of the Ukrainian ...
  • Kozak, Iu.; Kozak, Y.; Козак, Ю.Г. (2018)
    Scopul investigației constă în cercetarea stării de lucru în regiunea învecinată Odesa și estimarea politicii în domeniul turismului și cu repercusiuni asupra turismului din Chișinău și Moldova. Metodologia cercetării ...
  • Kozak, Y.; Козак, Ю.Г. (IRIM, 2017)
    Autorii şi-au pus ca scop cercetarea caracterului economiei mondiale la începutul secolului al XXI-lea, în perioada post-criză, pentru identificarea direcţiilor de dezvoltare şi adaptarea la noile realităţi economice. În ...
  • Kozak, Y.; Козак, Ю.Г.; Козак, Ю.Г. (Оdessa: ОNEU, 2012)
    This article is dedicated to the economic mechanism of the dynamic sea port logistic (transport) cluster in the economy of the Odessa region. The need to transition to the new cluster structures and their implementation ...
  • Kozak, Iu.; Logvinova, N.; Baranovska, M.; Козак, Ю.Г.; Логвінова, Н.С.; Барановська, М.І.; Козак, Ю.Г.; Логвинова, Н.С.; Барановская, М.И.; Кравченко, Е.В.; Kozak, Y.; Logvinova, N.; Baranovska, M. (CEP USM, 2012)
    Cartea include analiza a tipurilor actuale de dezvoltare și funcționare a economiei internaționale specifice pentru țările în tranziție. Se observă în vedere relația dintre subiectele principale ale economiei internaționale ...
  • Kozak, Y.; Kovalevsky, V.; Sandyuk, L.; Sulym, O.; Burlachenko, D.; Козак, Ю.Г.; Ковалевський, В.В.; Сандюк, Л.О.; Сулим, О.В.; Бурлаченко, Д.М. (2019)
    The training manual contains the most important information about the economies of foreign countries. The peculiarities of the structure of national economies of individual states, typological and regional groups of ...
  • Kozak, Y.; Prytula, N.; Козак, Ю.Г.; Притула, Н.В.; Козак, Ю.Г.; Притула, Н.В. (CUL, 2014)
    The textbook deals with the major international economic problems in the system of contemporary economic theory (Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, International Economics). The main theories of world trade and trade policy ...
  • Kozak, Y.; Prytula, N.; Ukhanova, I.; Osipov, V.; Sulim, A.; Козак, Ю.Г.; Притула, Н.В.; Уханова, І.О.; Осипов, В.М.; Сулим, О.В.; Козак, Ю.Г.; Притула, Н.В.; Уханова, И.О.; Осипов, В.Н.; Сулим, А.В. (Universal, 2017)
    On the basis of consideration of the essence of international finance and patterns of development of the global financial and monetary system, the answers to questions about functioning of the international financial markets ...
  • Kozak, Y.; Sulym, O.; Козак, Ю.Г.; Сулим, О.В. (CUL, 2019)
    Over the past several decades, the potential of ethnocultural factor to economic development has been increasingly recognized. This article provides an overview of various approaches to analyzing of the impacts of historically ...
  • Kolodynskyi, S.; Ozhoganych, T. (Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2021)
    The global economy is facing a severe crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and global foreign direct investment (FDI) flows are also expected to come under great pressure as a result of the pandemic. According to some ...
  • Iermakova, O. (2018)
    Due to the effective influence of a cluster model on the competitiveness of enterprises-participants, regions and states, it should be supported and stimulated by the governments. There are two generations of cluster policy. ...
  • Сукач, О.О.; Sukach, O. (Publishing House “Universal”, 2018)
    Intergovernmental organizations on regulation of industry, agriculture, transport and communications are considered.