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Назва: Управління капіталізацією підприємства на основі реінжинірингу бізнес-процесів
Інші назви: Capitalization management of an enterprise based on business process reengineering
Автори: Шилова, Т.О.
Shylova, Т.А.
Бібліографічний опис: Шилова Т.О. Управління капіталізацією підприємства на основі реінжинірингу бізнес-процесів.: дис. … канд. екон. наук : 08.00.04 / Тамара Олександрівна Шилова. – Одеса, 2021. – 239 с.
Дата публікації: 2021
Видавництво: Одеський національний економічний університет
Ключові слова: капіталізація підприємства
вартість підприємства
оцінювання вартості підприємства
ризик-орієнтований підхід
доктрина Industry 4.0
ефективність діяльності підприємства
enterprise capitalization
enterprise value
enterprise valuation
business process reengineering
risk-based approach
Industry 4.0 doctrine
capital structure
enterprise efficiency
Короткий огляд (реферат): Дисертацію присвячено вирішенню теоретичних і практичних проблем управління капіталізацією підприємства як критерієм ефективності його господарської діяльності. Розширено трактування категорії «реінжиніринг бізнес-процесів» з урахуванням сучасних особливостей розвитку економіки, а також запропоновано застосування ризик-орієнтованого підходу до визначення бізнес-процесів підприємства. Визначено взаємозв'язок між вартістю підприємства та структурою його капіталу. Виявлено вплив факторів капіталізації на діяльність підприємства в умовах доктрини «Industry 4.0». Виявлено методологічні підходи до визначення складових капіталізації підприємства. Також розроблено фінансово-економічну модель складових капіталізації, яку було використано в управлінні підприємством. На підставі всіх перерахованих вище комплексних складових було оцінено ефективність реінжинірингових заходів для підприємства
The dissertation is devoted to the solution of theoretical and practical problems of capitalization management of an enterprise as a criterion of the effectiveness of its economic activity. The interpretation of the category "reengineering of business processes" is expanded, the modern features of the development of the economy were taken into account for the study of the issues, and the application of a risk-oriented approach to the definition of business processes of an enterprise is proposed. As a result of the research, the concept of enterprise value was developed because of the synthesis of five value standards (fair market, market, investment, domestic and fair) and two approaches to it (continuous and liquidation). During research, attention was drawn to the fact that, in the context of Ukraine's integration into the international economic community, the widespread introduction of container traffic is becoming increasingly important. An important reserve for further growth of traffic is container traffic in the direction of Europe - Asia, the volume of which is constantly growing. In this context, the geographical location of Ukraine has a significant potential of a transit state. Stevedoring companies play a key role as representatives of the transport and logistics chain in the global freight industry. Therefore, it is extremely important for both investors (business owners) and business management to properly assess the value of each individual company in order to make the right management decisions. The essence of business process reengineering has been improved, which consists in the formation of enterprise management processes, in which costs are decisively reduced, the level of customer service is significantly improved, and time costs are significantly lowered. It was proved that the specifics of business process reengineering involve a radical way of thinking and acting of all management and employees of the enterprise and consists in its key features: fundamental nature, radicalism, innovation, and process approach. The relationship between the value of an enterprise and the structure of its capital has been determined. The influence of capitalization factors on the activity of an enterprise in the conditions of the “Industry 4.0” doctrine is revealed. Economic and mathematical modeling of capitalization of transport and logistics enterprises based on vector autoregressive modeling was improved, which, in contrast to previous studies, considers the influence of macroeconomic, price, financial factors of the enterprise environment. A comprehensive methodological approach to increasing the company's capitalization was developed in the context of the implementation of reengineering 19 measures, which is characterized by the use of the specific indicators that affect the company's capitalization. Methodological approaches to determining the components of the capitalization of an enterprise have been identified, namely: the features of planning an increase in the cost of capital have been investigated, a technical and economic analysis of the activities of enterprises in the studied industry has been carried out for the application of modern technologies for reengineering business processes. Also, a financial and economic model of the components of capitalization was developed, which was used in the management of the enterprise. Scientific and methodological tools for planning the increase in the cost of capital of enterprises in the transport and logistics industry have been developed. A technical and economic analysis of transport and logistics companies for the application of business process reengineering technologies was conducted. An author's approach to the components of the CAPM model was developed, as well as an author's approach to the use of market multipliers, which, in contrast to the existing ones, considers industry specialization. Based on all the above complex components, the effectiveness of reengineering measures for the enterprise was assessed.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.oneu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/12929
Інші ідентифікатори: УДК (658.14:656.07)-047.64
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