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Результати 1-10 зі 21.
Знайдені матеріали:
Попередній переглядДата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2015Organizational culture as a component of human resource management in strategic management systemNikiforenko, V.; Никифоренко, В.Г.; Никифоренко, В.Г.; Kravchenko, V.; Кравченко, В.О.; Кравченко, В.А.
2015Stock market of ukraine at the present stage: analysis and prospects of developmentMatsuk, Z.
2015Theoretical prerequisites of the marketing use in the financial market segmentsNovoshynska, L.; Новошинська, Л.В.; Новошинская, Л.В.
2015National debt burden and ricardian equivalenceMaslov, D.; Маслов, Д.С.; Маслов, Д.С.
2015Banks in poland – the quality of servicesRudzewicz, A.
2015Intellectual capital in the knowledge-based economyKozłowski, W.; Rutkowska, A.; Płocharczyk, A.; Kowalkowski, A.
2015Economic motivation mechanism of consumer’s energy saving behaviourKomelina, O.; Scherbinina, S.; Chaikina, A.
2015Trans-border clusters system development potential as a strategic planning objectKovalenko, S.
2015Language barriers in economic researches and translations of economic concepts: essence, levels of occurrence, methods of overcomingKerekesha, O.; Керекеша, О.В.; Керекеша, О.В.; Sheludko, S.; Шелудько, С.А.; Шелудько, С.А.
2015The economic situation of households in selected eu countriesGrzywińska-Rąpca, M.; Grzybowska-Brzezińska, M.