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Title: International standards for bank capital regulation
Authors: Коваленко, В.В.
Шелудько, С.А.
Радова, Н.В.
Гончар, К.О.
Kovalenko, V.
Sheludko, S.
Radova, N.
Honchar, K.
Citation: Kovalenko V. International standards for bank capital regulation / V. Kovalenko, S. Sheludko, N. Radova, F. Murshudli, K. Gonchar // Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice. – 2021. – Vol. 1. – № 36. – P. 35-45.
Issue Date: 2021
Keywords: bank capital
international standards
financial stability
banking crisis
banking regulation
Abstract: The paper analyzes the evolution of the introduction of international standards for bank capital regulation. The aim of the research is to study international standards for bank capital regulation and their impact on financial stability and sustainability of domestic banking systems. The 2007—2009 Global Financial Crisis was perhaps the greatest banking and financial crisis since bank failures and the financial panic of the Great Depression in early 1930s. According to academics and professionals, there has been much debate over the last decade as to whether the 2007—2009 banking crisis was primarily a solvency crisis or a liquidity crisis. Capital adequacy of banks today is the main indicator of increasing society’s confidence in banking systems. The flexible and balanced implementation of Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) recommendations on the assessment of bank capital adequacy is of particular importance in the context of the deepening economic crisis caused by COVID-19 quarantine restrictions. Regulation of bank capital is primarily settles by the ability to execute basic functions inherent in it. A number of shocks in connection with the crisis require the renewal and search for a new paradigm of regulation, which today is focused on achieving financial stability, overcoming pro-cyclicality, especially in the banking sector. One of the latest developments in the field of bank capital regulation has been the implementation of international banking supervision standards recommended by BCBS, which have been transformed from Basel I, Basel II, Basel III, Basel 3.5 to Basel IV. The new ideology suggests that in times of financial and economic crisis or in anticipation of growing uncertainty in the economy, it is necessary to abandon the idea of bank capital management and the creation of financial reserves to maintain liquidity and stability of financial institutions. These measures will not be able to protect the bank from default and bankruptcy. This ideology has become a new paradigm of effective banking regulation, which can be formulated as an accepted set of three vectors: risk; risk management; risk-oriented supervision.
Appears in Collections:Кафедра банківської справи

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