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Title: The intellectual capital of the enterprise: essence, evaluation, development
Authors: Litvinov, O.
Citation: Litvinov O. The intellectual capital of the enterprise: essence, evaluation, development: monograph / O. Litvinov. – Odessa: Astroprint, 2019. – 391 p.
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Астропринт
Keywords: intellectual capital
Abstract: The monograph is devoted to solving a scientific problem of developing theoretical foundations, scientific and methodological support and practical management of the development of the intellectual capital of the enterprise (ICE) recommendations. The relevance of the study is stipulated by the impact of the transformation of the world economic system on the activity of enterprises. In relation to the transformation of the world economic system are used the following terms: “intellectual economy”, “economy of knowledge”, “neo-economy”, “industry 4.0” and other, which necessitated highlighting and focusing on intangible, intellectual resources of the enterprise, named “intellectual capital of the enterprise”. The actual problem with management is to develop a concept and instrumentality for managing the development of ICE based on the definition of the entity, ICE components, development of instrumentality for measuring it and assessing the impact on the main output of the activity. In the monograph was investigated the categorical apparatus for solving the problem of development of ICE, the classification of ICE on different grounds was carried out. As a result of consideration of epistemological content of the concept of "intellectual capital" (IC), was concluded that the main contradiction arises in matters of interconnection and the interconnectedness of concepts that characterize the knowledge resources of the enterprise – “IC”, “NMR”, “NMA”, "intellectual property". Systematization of scientific approaches made it possible to conclude that The NMA includes intellectual property rights and other intangible objects, that are characterized by the possibility of their legal protection and identification. The ICE category is used to characterize a set of intangible objects, which have no material form and capable of providing the enterprise with economic benefits, and is different from the IC nature of participation in the reproduction process. Based on the shortcomings of the existing definitions it is proposed understood ICE as a set of economic relations between entrepreneurs, personnel and subjects of the external environment of the formation, consumption, and reproduction of knowledge as an enterprise resource. The author's classification of ICE is formed in the monograph, which allows the distribution of all material objects of the enterprise on individual grounds with subject to the condition of the inability to simultaneously assign the object to several types of IC on one basis. 12 ICE classification features were identified, namely by functional content, subjects, origin, sources of formation, the degree of controllability, the sphere of the display, affiliation, stage of reproduction, wear dynamics, storage method, influence on the creation of intelligent products, degree of identification. In terms of managing its development a sign of ICE, its development is the distribution of functional content. By a key feature, which is functional content, all elements of the ICE were distributed into capital of relations, human, intellectual and technological and organizational capital. In the monograph it is substantiated that a key feature of the development of ICE is the process of regular changes, resulting in a brand new state of the object. It is noted that development can be caused by qualitative changes, but during the evolutionary stage quantitative changes and the qualitative contradictions of the ICP are accumulating. According to the results of the critical analysis of existing definitions, it is suggested to understand the development of ICE as irreversible, directed, natural, qualitative changes in the status of the objects of the ICE. The driving force behind change is the internal contradictions of the ICE, which are to counter the opposite, contradictory tendencies of changing its condition. The main internal contradictions of the ICE are the contradictions between accumulation and wear of IC, the formation of IС of the enterprise and the formation of an individual IС, the public and private nature of knowledge, quantitative changes in ICE and qualitative results of the enterprise, ICE cycle, development of individual components of IC and the overall development of the ICE. In order to diagnose contradictions, it is suggested to use analytical tools. In the chapter “Conceptual principles of management of development of intellectual capital of the enterprise” theoretical basis and the dialectics of wear and reproduction, production and consumption of ICE are considered. The concept of management of the development of ICE is formed. Capital loss of its consumer properties is proposed to be called ICE wear, due to the emergence of new same-type ICE objects, which are of greater benefit to consumers. The presence and objectivity of the wear of the objects of ICE necessitate its reproduction, which is suggested to be understood as a continuous process of consumption and restoration of the consumer properties of ICE objects. It is justified, that the cycle of ICE consists of three stages: forming (creating or updating), consumption (usage) and market realization, and involves changing three forms: monetary, productive and commodity. At the stage of consumption of ICE, there is a combination of human capital with all the other components of the ICE, which is manifested in the creation of new knowledge in various forms. One of the features of IC is that it is a rising value, which the owner can increase directly during the consumption process. In the monograph according to the results of critical analysis of contemporary ideas about the essence of managing the development of ICE the author suggested its definition as a systematic influence of the management entities to support the planned vector of qualitative changes in relations between entrepreneurs, management, personnel, and the external molding environment, knowledge consumption and restoration in all forms as an enterprise resource. The concept of ICE development management has been developed, the starting point of which is its qualitative changes, which are only possible under diagnostic and resolving internal contradictions of the ICE conditions. A key step in the management concept is an assessment of the level of development of ICE, which involves deep state, wear and suitability analysis of ICE, analysis of the dynamics of its value and components of reproduction, determination of reserves of ICE development. Based on the goal, budget and controls determination as well as using the results of the information and analytical support the development and selection of management measures for the growth and progress of ICE are carried out. In the chapter “Methodological approaches to cost modeling and enterprise intellectual capital reproduction” based on a critical analysis of existing principles a methodology was developed and the cost and reproduction of IC of machine-building enterprises of Ukraine analysis was carried out. As a result of the analysis of existing methodological approaches to the evaluation of ICE particular attention has been paid to the development of ICE reproduction assessment instrumentality using cost, market, and revenue models. The author's spending model is based on the cost of reproduction of individual components of IC taking into account the peculiarities of the processes of capitalization, deterioration, and updating of ICE. An improved market model estimates ICE as the difference between the market value and the book value of the enterprise with the added value of the NMA. The profitable model of estimating the cost of ICE, which is developed in the monograph, is based on the capitalization of excess profits. A key element of the author's approach to the methodology for analyzing ICE reproduction is the development of a model for self-assessment of ICE, that at the same time as investing in the formation of ICE is a source of increasing cost of ICE, as well as models for evaluating the performance and reproduction of ICE. In the monograph, the boundary and reserves of post-industrial development, indicators of the status, movement and efficiency of reproduction of the objects of the ICE, the impact of ICE on the market capitalization and profitability of the enterprise are modeled. The hypothesis about the existence of a postindustrialization boundary is substantiated, macroeconomic conditions of development of intellectual capital of the enterprise are outlined by modeling the boundary and reserves of post-industrial economic development. The composition and order of calculation of indicators of a condition, kinematics, dynamics, efficiency and correspondence of reproduction of individual components of the intellectual capital of the enterprise are determined. It is justified that the process of deterioration and reproduction of the intellectual capital of the enterprise needs to be investigated on several grounds, namely: by natural units, by cost units and by a unit of consumer value, which causes natural, cost and economic reproduction (or reproduction of сonsumer value). It is proposed to formulate the depreciation policy of the enterprise using the indicator of compliance of the cost reproduction. It is theoretically substantiated and practically validated the expediency of using intellectual capital as a major factor in the market capitalization of the enterprise along with traditional factors – profit and book value. It was developed a production function, factors of which are intellectual and material capital. This allowed calculating the average and marginal return the elasticity, the additional need and the marginal rate of substitution of enterprise resources. In the chapter «Methodological maintenance of management of development of intellectual capital of the enterprise» the assessment of the level and reserves of development of ICE is held, the structural-logical model of goals achievement of development management of ICE is formed. Methodological estimation principles of level and reserves of vertical, horizontal and integrated development of intellectual capital of the enterprise have been developed and practically tested. The assessment of the level and reserves of development is carried out according to the developed procedure, which combines results of: vertical, horizontal and integral analyzes; classic, modified and combined taxonomic analysis algorithms; assessment of the level of development of individual components and ICE in general. Indicators of the level of development are those that: characterize the individual components of ICE, are relative, do not require expert evaluation, can be calculated using open data, have no a priori close correlation with each other. It is proposed and tested a structural-logical model of ICE development management targets achievement. In order to provide methodological support for development process and a process of selection of optimal management measures to increase the level of development of intellectual capital of the enterprise, it has developed a procedure which is aimed at forming the optimal allowable set of measures and is based on indicators of reproduction of ICE, on the cost-effectiveness of measures for each of the components of ICE. In order to achieve a balanced development Edgeworth-Pareto principle was used and the financial constraints and goals of managing ICE development are taken into account. Keywords: development, development management, intellectual capital, the contradictions of development, wear, reproduction, cycle, reproduction efficiency, valuation of intellectual capital.
ISBN: 978–966–927–496–0
Other Identifiers: УДК 334.716:005.336.4
Appears in Collections:Кафедра економіки підприємства та організації підприємницької діяльності

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