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Title: Заощадження населення у забезпеченні ресурсного потенціалу банків
Other Titles: Population savings in the supply of resource potential of the banks
Authors: Коваленко, В.В.
Kovalenko, V.
Citation: Коваленко В. В. Заощадження населення у забезпеченні ресурсного потенціалу банків / В. В. Коваленко // Evropský časopis ekonomiky a managementu. – 2019. – Vol. 5. – Issue 1. – P. 305-313.
Issue Date: 2019
Keywords: банки
заощадження населення
ресурсний потенціал
управління депозитами
страхування депозитів
population savings
resource potential
deposit management
insurance of deposit deposits
Abstract: This study focuses on the banking sector in Ukraine, with the aim of exploring the process of building an effective strategy for saving the population towards the formation of the resource potential of banks. The analysis of the dynamics of population savings has shown that deposit activity of banks is part of their overall development strategy, and therefore, deposit management is a part of banking management and is related to its subordinate role, both in terms of its goals and objectives, and in the part of the complex of measures , which ensures their achievement. In the article, the author proposes a system of deposit management of banks and the use of an additional mechanism of insurance of deposits of the population.
Appears in Collections:Кафедра банківської справи

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