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Title: Organizational culture as a component of human resource management in strategic management system
Authors: Nikiforenko, V.
Никифоренко, В.Г.
Никифоренко, В.Г.
Kravchenko, V.
Кравченко, В.О.
Кравченко, В.А.
Citation: Organizational culture as a component of human resource management in strategic management system / V. Nikiforenko, V. Kravchenko // Socio-economic research bulletin collection of scientific works; Odessa national economic university.– Odessa, 2015. - № 59 (4). – pp. 118-127.– ISSN 2313-4569
Issue Date: 2015
Keywords: system-relationships
organizational culture
human resource management
strategic management category
Abstract: It is determined copyright interpretation of backbone interconnection of organizational culture and human resource management as crucial components of strategic management. Approaches studied abroad and domestic scholars on the meaning and place of the organizational culture in achieving the goals of the organization in the market environment are analysed. Different points of view regarding the value specified terms are generalized. Grounded application of specific categorical apparatus is defined in system communications elements of strategic management. A list of actions is offered to implement the long-term nature of modern approaches to the widespread introduction of strategic management practices in Ukrainian organizations.
Appears in Collections:Випуск 4, № 59
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