Попередній перегляд | Дата випуску | Назва | Автор(и) |
| 2015 | A study on features of competitive conditions of regional bank | Zavadska, D.; Завадська, Д.В.; Завадская, Д.В. |
| 2018 | Activation directions of banks interaction with real sector enterprises in lending to innovations | Zavadska, D.; Завадська, Д.В. |
| 2016 | Agricultural sector of Ukraine: trends, perspectives of reforms and interaction with banks during sustainable economic growth | Zavadska, D.; Завадська, Д.В.; Завадская, Д.В. |
| 2016 | Background of interaction mechanism formation between a bank and customers | Zavadska, D.; Завадська, Д.В.; Завадская, Д.В. |
| 2018 | Bank credit as a source of financing innovative development of economy | Zavadska, D.; Завадська, Д.В. |
| 2018 | Bank innovative lending system: trends of formation and directions for promoting development in Ukraine | Zavadska, D.; Завадська, Д.В. |
| 2015 | Client-Oriented Approach: Forming the System of Management of the Bank Relations with Clients | Zavadska, D.; Завадська, Д.В.; Завадская, Д.В. |
| 2015 | Definition of strategical competitiveness of the banks in Odessa region in terms of regional disproportion | Zavadska, D.; Завадська, Д.В.; Завадская, Д.В. |
| 2018 | Determining the role of banks in the financing of innovative development processes of the economy | Zavadska, D.; Завадська, Д.В. |
| 2017 | Education development as component of Ukraine’s innovative economy building-up | Zavadska, D.; Завадська, Д.В.; Завадская, Д.В. |
| 2017 | Evaluation of innovative development of Ukrainian economy and determination of the mechanisms of its support | Zavadska, D.; Завадська, Д.В.; Завадская, Д.В. |
| 2021 | Financial institutions of development in the system of financing innovative development of the Ukraine’s economy | Zavadska, D.; Завадська, Д.В. |
| 2021 | Formation of institutional model of project financing in ukraine | Завадська, Д.В.; Zavadska, D.; Звєряков, М.І.; Zveryakov, M. |
| 2014 | Formational characteristics of the new marketing approach in banking area | Zavadska, D.; Завадська, Д.В.; Завадская, Д.В. |
| 2024 | Green banking to power the circular economy | Zavadska, D.; Завадська, Д.В. |
| 2020 | Improvement of the assessment methodology of lending potential of Ukraine’s banks | Zavadska, D.; Завадська, Д.В. |
| 2018 | Innovative environment in Ukraine: formation and evaluation of development in the conditions of the balanced economic growth | Zavadska, D.; Завадська, Д.В. |
| 2016 | Key problems and ways of innovative development of Ukraine`s economy | Zavadska, D.; Завадська, Д.В.; Завадская, Д.В. |
| 2016 | Methodical approaches to the choice of marketing strategy for a modern Ukrainian bank | Zavadska, D.; Завадська, Д.В.; Завадская, Д.В. |
| 2018 | Model of intensive innovative development: world experience of implementation and trends of formation in Ukraine | Zvieriakov, M.; Zavadska, D.; Звєряков, М.І.; Завадська, Д.В. |