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Попередній переглядДата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2022How does energy policy influences sustainable competitiveness of industrial enterprises?Degtiareva, O.; Teleshevska, S.
2020How Does the Interest Rate Influence the Exchange Rate?Sukhomlyn, O.; Сухомлин, О.Ю.
2016HR-бренд: сутність та стан в УкраїніСорока, О.В.; Красовська, К.В.; Сорока, А.В.; Красовская, Е.В.; Soroka, A.; Krasouskaya, E.
2014HR-брендінг в системі управління персоналом сучасної організаціїТатаревська, М.С.; Сорока, О.В.; Лосікова, О.О.; Татаревская, М.С.; Сорока, А.В.; Лосикова, Е.А.; Tatarevska, M.; Soroka, A.; Losikova, O.
2013Identification of organizational culture factors influencing innovation. Results of empirical research in manufacturing enterprisesStrychalska-Rudzewicz, A.
2018Identity of a tourism destination and the need of linking it to the principles of sustainable tourism developmentRakadzhiyska, S.; Ракаджийська, С.
2023The Impact of Accounting on the Business Climate in the EU CountriesRomashko, O.; Melnyk, N.; Moskaliuk, H.; Volchek, R.; Kuzmenko, O.; Москалюк, Г.О.; Волчек, Р.М.
2022The Impact of Levels of Emotional Intelligence Development in High Schoolers with Intellectual Disabilities on Their Health StatusOrlenko, I.; Орленко, І.М.
2015Impact of personnel labour motivation upon solution of bank development strategic goalsKuznietsov, A.; Кузнєцов, А.М.; Кузнецов, А.Н.
2021The impact of the national economy`s monetary sector on the monetization levelKovalenko, V.; Sheludko, S.; Коваленко, В.В.; Sheludko, S.
2023The impact of the war on the real estate marketNosevych, V.; Tarasova, K.; Носевич, В.; Тарасова, К.І.
2023The impact of transformation leadership on organizational creativity with job stisfaction as a mediating variable: a case study of FGV Holdings BerhadHadouga, H.; Хадуга, Х.
2021Impirical correlation analysis between land use and village cadre corruptionStoyanets, N.; Zetao, Hu; Стоянець, Н.В.; Цзетао, Хе
2019Implementation of adaptation to changes as a company’s management elementHrinchenko, R.; Грінченко, Р.В.
2024Implementation of corporate social responsibility in the context of integration with the enterprise management information systemVolchek, R.; Moskaliuk, H.; Halan, L.; Dancheva, O.; Волчек, Р.М.; Москалюк, Г.О.; Данчева, О.М.
2016Implementation of Innovative Marketing Channels of the Promotion of Banking ProductsKovalenko, V.; Коваленко, В.В.; Коваленко, В.В.
2020Implementation of Marketing Audit into the Sphere of Electronic EntrepreneurshipArtyukh, O.; Murenko, T.; Артюх, О.В.; Муренко, Т.О.
2018Implementation of regional innovation policy through cluster modelIermakova, O.
2018Implications of behavior evolution of Ukrainian internet consumers for integrated marketing communicationsShkurupska, I.; Шкурупська, І.О.
2024The importance of an innovative-environmental approach in the strategic management of enterprises - a case studyMokrišová, V.; Мокришова, В.