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Результати 71 до 90 із 17355 < назад   далі >
Попередній переглядДата випускуНазваАвтор(и)
2023Choice: надійний партнер у сфері HоRеCаГуцан, О.С.; Гострик, О.М.; Hutsan, O.; Hostryk, A.
2015Client-Oriented Approach: Forming the System of Management of the Bank Relations with ClientsZavadska, D.; Завадська, Д.В.; Завадская, Д.В.
2018Cluster analysis of reputation risk level of Ukrainian banksKuznetsova, L.; Кузнєцова, Л.В.
2019Cluster approach to banking supervision with reference to bank risk profileKovalenko, V.; Kuznetsova, L.; Sergeeva, E.; Mylashko, O.; Коваленко, В.В.; Кузнєцова, Л.В.; Сергєєва, О.С.; Милашко, О.Г.
2018Clustering in the formation of a creative economy: European vectors, Visegrad Four, UkraineKozak, Y.; Козак, Ю.Г.
2019Coaching as a leadership style and a business education modelBaldzhy, M.; Балджи, М.Д.
2023Communication Strategies of Internet Marketing of Trading EnterprisesChunikhina, T.; Saiensus, M.; Sinko, A.; Iazvinska, N.; Klimovych, O.; Siryk, R.; Саєнсус, М.А.
2018Communicative Efficiency in Ukraine’s Banking System: Evidence from Independent Auditor ReportsSukhomlyn, O.; Сухомлин, О.Ю.
2023A comparative characteristic of the paradigms of behavioral economics and the neoclassical economic theoryPohorielova, M.; Dibrova, H.; Погорєлова, М.; Діброва, О.Л.
2024Competence approach to teaching foreign language to students of establishments of higher educationGeyna, O.; Kovalska, N.; Shcherbyna, N.; Гейна, О.В.; Ковальська, Н.А.; Щербина, Н.Ф.
2019Competitiveness of banks as a subsidiaries of economic activity in the modern conditions of development of financial marketKovalenko, V.; Garkusha, J.; Sheludko, S.; Коваленко, В.В.; Гаркуша, Ю.О.; Шелудько, С.А.; Коваленко, В.В.; Гаркуша, Ю.А.; Шелудько, С.А.
2019Competitiveness of banks in the modern conditions of financial market developmentKovalenko, V.; Коваленко, В.В.
2024Components of rational food in restaurant establishmentsKrymska Н.; Кримська, Х.
2013Comprehensive assessment of risksTarasova, K.; Тарасова, К.І.; Тарасова, К.И.
2020Comprehensive forecasting of interconnected socio-economic indicators as a methodological basis for adopting optimal managementYankovoy, A.; Янковий, О.Г.
2012Conceptual approaches to organization of effective budgetary management on an enterpriseKarpenko, L.; Карпенко, Л.М.; Карпенко, Л.Н.
2020Conceptual foundations of strategic asset managementSmyrnova, N.; Смирнова, Н.В.
2013Conceptual framework for financial reporting: current state, development and application outlook in UkraineKuzina, R.; Кузіна, Р.В.; Кузина, Р.В.
2023Consequences of the shadow economy and ways to overcome it in UkraineSemenchova, A.; Cherkashina, T.; Семенчова, А.; Черкашина, Т.В.
2002Construction of the System of Radio Communication Network ManagementSkopa, A.; Скопа, О.О.; Скопа, А.А.